Simulate Gaussian response from a sparse regression model
generate_y(X, p_nn, a)
simulated Gaussian response from regression model y = x x is the (scaled) model.matrix of X.
This function takes as input data.frame X (created with the function generate_X
that may consist of both numeric and binary factor columns. This data frame is then expanded
to a model matrix x (with the model.matrix function) and subsequently scaled in the same way as
LASSO scaling. Next we simulate y ~ N(x
the remaining coefficients (p_nn+1):ncol(x) are set to zero.
Other generate:
# Simulate 4 Gaussian and 2 binary covariate predictors:
X <- generate_X(n=100, p=6, p_b=2, cov_type="cov_equi", rho=0.5)
# Simulate response from model y = 2*X[,1] + 2*X[,2] + epsilon, where epsilon ~ N(0,1)
y <- generate_y(X, p_nn=2, a=2)