Motion-Prediction-based Wireless Scheduling for Multi-User Panoramic Video Streaming


Multi-user panoramic video streaming demands 4~6× bandwidth of a regular video with the same resolution, which poses a significant challenge on the wireless scheduling design to achieve desired performance. On the other hand, recent studies reveal that one can effectively predict the user’s Field-of-View (FoV) and thus simply deliver the corresponding portion instead of the entire scenes. Motivated by this important fact, we aim to employ autoregressive process for motion prediction and analytically characterize the user’s successful viewing probability as a function of the delivered portion. Then, we consider the problem of wireless scheduling design with the goal of maximizing application-level throughput (i.e., average rate for successfully viewing the desired content) and service regularity performance (i.e., how often each user gets successful views) subject to the minimum required service rate and wireless interference constraints. As such, we incorporate users’ successful viewing probabilities into our scheduling design and develop a scheduling algorithm that not only asymptotically achieves the optimal application-level throughput but also provides service regularity guarantees. Finally, we perform simulations to demonstrate the efficiency of our proposed algorithm using a real dataset of users’ head motion.

IEEE INFOCOM 2021-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications